I have to say its been an incredibly busy month for me, so here is a quick round up of what has been happening...
We've been on holiday to Hurgada in Egypt - it was heaven, we did nothing except relax by the pool, read, take the odd dip to cool down, and enjoy a very varied lunch and dinner menu!

The hotel pool
I've been to a seminar on "Social Media for Fun and Career Success" - so looking at Twitter, Facebook and blogs. One of the biggest tips for blogs was to make sure that you blog frequently - well I failed miserably at that one in September, but I'll try not to give myself too much of a hard time as its the first month that I haven't blogged every week since starting the blog at the beggining of the year.
We went to Newham Waterfront Festival last night, which is only a few minutes walk away from home, where we saw...
All rounded off by an incredibly busy time at work, which has left me with very little time for much else, especially craft :-( I now have some Design Team work to catch up on, and I guess its probably time to start thinking about Christmas more seriously, so I'll have plenty to share with you over the next few weeks!
Hope you've had a good weekend, until next time!